Presentation Information
[23a-B203-9]Investigation of Diffusive Hydrogen Recovery by Ti Contact from Magnetostrictive Ni Plate
for Magnetostrictive Vibration Power Generation under Hydrogen Environment.
〇Yoshinosuke Hasegawa1, Akira Tonegawa1, Makoto Harada1, Uchida HelmutTakahiro1 (1.Tokai Univ)
Electrochemical hydrogen loading,Hydrogen recovery,Young's modulus
This research group has reported that the introduction of hydrogen into pure Ni at the same temperature conditions causes a relative decrease in Young's modulus of about 6-8%. Such a change is undesirable in magnetostrictive vibrating power generation, and a hydrogen recovery mechanism from hydrogen-soluble materials is required. In this study, we investigated the effectiveness of hydrogen recovery from Ni under the same temperature conditions by considering the possibility of hydrogen solid-phase diffusion by making a contact with Ti, which has a different enthalpy of hydrogen solid solution.