Presentation Information
[23p-A201-6]The NiO thickness dependence of spin-orbit torque in Hf/NiO/Ni trilayer
〇(PC)Satoshi Haku1, Kazuya Ando1 (1.Keio Univ.)
spin-orbit torque,antiferromagnetic insulator,spintronics
Spin-orbit torque (SOT) manipulates magnetization through spin-orbit interactions and spin currents, showing promise for efficient electronic memory and logic devices. Recent findings revealed the generation and detection of orbital current with angular momentum. Unlike spin current, orbital current doesn’t rely on spin-orbit interactions in paramagnetic materials.
Our study aimed to investigate the transport mechanism of orbital currents in insulator layers. To accomplish this, we fabricated a thin film structure comprising an Hf/Ni bilayer. Additionally, we introduced an antiferromagnetic insulator, NiO, at the interface to examine the behavior of spin-orbit torque in relation to the thickness of the insulator layer.
We estimated the NiO thickness dependence of the damping-like torque effciency. Our study reveals that spin and orbital current exhibit different behaviors with respect to the thickness of the NiO film.
Our study aimed to investigate the transport mechanism of orbital currents in insulator layers. To accomplish this, we fabricated a thin film structure comprising an Hf/Ni bilayer. Additionally, we introduced an antiferromagnetic insulator, NiO, at the interface to examine the behavior of spin-orbit torque in relation to the thickness of the insulator layer.
We estimated the NiO thickness dependence of the damping-like torque effciency. Our study reveals that spin and orbital current exhibit different behaviors with respect to the thickness of the NiO film.