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[16a-A25-9]Validation of Si Photonics Efficient Fiber Coupler with 150 nm Minimum Feature Size

〇Naoki Tahara1, Shota Nawa1, Rikuto Taira1, Saneyuki Suyama1, Keisuke Hirotani1, Yuriko Maegami2, Tai Tsuchizawa2, Noritsugu Yamamoto2, Koji Yamada2, Toshihiko Baba1 (1.Yokohama Nat'l Univ, 2.AIST)
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Silicon photonics,Fiber coupler,Grating coupler

We fabricated a grating coupler with a minimum feature size of 150 nm to efficiently couple light from a Si waveguide to an out-of-plane optical fiber. Light was injected into the waveguide from a lensed fiber module, and the coupling efficiency to a single-mode fiber vertically positioned above the grating coupler was measured. The maximum coupling efficiency was found to be 78%, which closely matched the simulation results.


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