Presentation Information

[16a-A31-3]Physical and electrical properties of collapsed carbon nanotubes inside nonvolatile memory resistor

〇Takahiro Morimoto1, Takatoshi Yamada1, Kaori Fujii1, Kazufumi Kobashi1 (1.AIST)
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Carbon nanotube,Carbon nanotube nonvolatile memory (CRAM),ReRAM

Carbon nanotube nonvolatile memory (CRAM) is a memory device that utilizes resistance changes caused by the application of voltage, and has high potential as next-generation memory due to its nonvolatility, high-speed writability, high write endurance, and high information retention capability. On the other hand, there are still many unresolved issues such as the basic principle of operation and the behavior of the CNT electrode interface. In this talk, I will report on the difference in structure and properties of CNTs depending on the CNT species and processing conditions, especially the evaluation results of a single bundle using a nanoprober, regarding the collapsed and stacked structure of CNTs, which is the basic structure in the CNT layer reported in the previous JSAP symposium.


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