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[16a-A33-7]MNIST classification accuracies by quantum reservoir across multiple NISQ devices

〇Ryuji Sakai1, Hideaki Oba1, Hideyuki Nakagawa1, Kazuki Uematsu1, Tomoyuki Takeguchi1, Yutaro Iiyama2, Lento Nagano2, Ryu Sawada2, Junichi Tanaka2, Koji Terashi2 (1.Toshiba Corp., 2.Tokyo Univ. ICEPP)
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Quantum Computer,NISQ,Reservoir

Using a quantum reservoir that does not require parameter learning of quantum circuits and is noise resilient, we compared and evaluated the performance of MNIST classification across multiple NISQ devices. Even on noisy NISQ devices, the accuracy rate was 92.75%, achieving performance close to that of the simulator. On the other hand, when different NISQ devices were used for training and testing, the accuracy rate dropped significantly. This is likely due to differences in noise, especially in read-out errors between devices.


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