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[16a-C43-7]ns time-resolved X-ray topography

〇Akio Yoneyama1, Ishiji Kotaro1, Satoshi Takeya2, Takashi Yagi2, Kazuyuki Hyodo3, Keiichi Hirano3, Shunji Kishimoto3 (1.SAGA Light Source, 2.AIST, 3.KEK PF)
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Topography,time-resolved,Linear array APD detector

ns time-resolved X-ray topography system using a Si-APD linear array detector was constructed at the BL-14C of KEK-PF. Feasibility study of the time-resolved topography was performed combined with the thermal heating by a laser irradiation to visualize the dynamical thermal distortion of the surface crystals on a silicon on insulator (SOI).


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