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[16a-C43-9]Investigation of 3D shear wave elastography with X-rays

〇Ren Nasukawa1, Chika Kamezawa2, Yasukazu Nakaye3, Yasutaka Sakuma3, Masaru Kuribayashi3, Liang Xiaoyu4, Kazuyuki Hyodo5, Akio Yoneyama5,6, Wataru Yashiro1,2,4,7 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.SRIS, Tohoku Univ., 3.Rigaku, 4.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ., 5.PF/KEK, 6.SAGA-LS, 7.Univ. of Tokyo)
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X-ray imaging,Elastography

Since pathological states of tissue are closely related to its stiffness, elastography, an imaging modality to assess stiffness in tissue, is widely used in medical diagnostics. There are two types of elastography, strain elastography and shear wave elastography. In strain elastography, tissue stiffness is assessed by measuring tissue strain under constant pressure. In shear wave elastography, shear waves are generated in tissue by external stimuli, and the elastic moduli are quantitatively obtained from propagation velocity of the shear waves. While ultrasound imaging or magnetic resonance imaging is commonly used for elastography, X-ray elastography is expected to provide deep diagnosis with high spatial resolution because X-rays are less attenuated by tissue. In this study, we performed X-ray shear wave elastography on a gel sample in three-dimension with a laboratory X-ray source and a high-frame-rate photon counting detector to obtain the storage and loss moduli of the sample.


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