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[16p-B6-11]Phase-separating Kelvin Probe to Evaluate Polarization Properties of Liquids

〇(M2)Haruto Jibiki1, Masato Suzuki1, Masahiro Ohara1, Hisao Ishii1,2,3 (1.Chiba Univ. GSSE, 2.Chiba Univ. CFS, 3.Chiba Univ. MCRC)
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electrochemistry,Kelvin Probe,Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy (KPFM)

The displacement current detected by the Kelvin probe (KP) method can theoretically be used to measure the dielectric constant of a liquid. However, due to its unique characteristic of not requiring modulation of the electrode potential, we think that the KP method can provide a different dielectric constant , reflecting information on the electric field in the bulk region of the liquid. In this study, we devised a phase-separated KP method, in which the detected current is separated by the phase of electrode oscillation. This approach aims to isolate components other than the displacement current in KP measurements, such as electric double layer charging and electrochemical reactions.


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