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[16p-B6-21]Discussion of Relaxiation Process of Polyvinylidenne Fluoride by Visualizaion Analysis of Thermally Stimulated Current

〇Fukuzo Yoshida1, Tamami Ueda2, Masahiro Onishi2, Takayo Moriuchi-Kawakami2 (1.Osaka Institute of Technology Education Center, 2.Osaka Institute of Technology)
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thermally stimulated current,1H pulsed NMR,relaxation process

The relaxiation process of PVDF was investigated by thermally stimulated current (TSC) and pulsed NMR. Multiple peaks (ca.227K and ca.310K) were observed in TSC spectrum of PVDF. The signals were acculately separated using visualization analysis. On the other hand, the FID signal of PVDF is also though to have multiple relaxiatiuon times.


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