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[16p-C31-12]Fabrication & properties of Cu thin film by mist CVD

〇(M1)Tatsuki Okada1, Tatsuya Yasuoka1, Ryosuke Ohashi1, Toshiyuki Kawaharamura1,2 (1.Kochi Univ. Technology, 2.Res.Inst)
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Thin metal films are used not only for electronic applications such as wiring, but also for optical, magnetic, thermal, mechanical, chemical and many other applications. Recently, applications utilising the collective behaviour of free electrons (plasmons) have been developed. We have attempted to fabricate various metal thin films using solutions under atmospheric pressure. In this study, Cu thin films were prepared using the mist CVD method while manipulating various operating variables, and the properties of the Cu thin films were investigated.


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