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[16p-C31-2]Evaluation of Work Function for ZrNxHy Thin Films Fabricated Using Alternating-Target PLD Method

〇(M2)Daichi Miyazaki1, Kohei Yoshimatsu1, Takuto Soma1, Hiroshi Kumigashira2,3, Akira Ohtomo1 (1.Dept. Chem. Sci. Eng., Tokyo Tech., 2.KEK-IMSS, 3.IMRAM, Tohoku Univ.)
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nitride hydride,thin film,work function

ZrNxHy thin films, which are expected to have a significant work function modulation between ZrN (4.6 eV) and ZrH2 (3.8 eV), were prepared by target-alternating pulsed laser deposition and the work function was evaluated by surface analysis method. Synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy suggested that hydrogen is selectively substituted for oxygen at the surface of the thin films with larger hydrogen composition. In our talk, we will report the results of work function investigations by Kelvin probe microscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy.


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