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[16p-C42-9]Development of Thin-Film Light-Emitting Devices for Photodynamic Therapy and Evaluation of Anti-Tumor Effects

〇(D)Masato Saito1, Daiki Tokura2, Yasufumi Yokoshiki3, Takashi Tokuda4, Takahiro Nomoto2,5, Toshinori Fujie1,6 (1.Sch. Life Sci. and Tech,,Tokyo Tech, 2.Grad. Sch. Arts and Sci., UTokyo, 3.Coll. Sci. and Tech, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., 4.Sch. Eng., Tokyo Tech, 5.CLS, Tokyo Tech, 6.ASMat, Tokyo Tech)
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Polymeric Thin-Film,Printed Electronics,Phototherapy Therapy

Metronomic photodynamic therapy (mPDT) is a type of PDT that aims to exert an antitumor effect by continuously exciting a photosensitizer with continuous exposure to weak light. In this study, we fabricated thin-film light-emitting devices by transferring printed wiring onto flexible poly(lactic acid) thin films with the aim of applying mPDT to deep into the body. In addition, we verified the anti-tumor effects of mPDT by irradiating cancer cells and carrier cancer model mice with the light-emitting device.


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