Presentation Information

[16p-D63-6]High-precision extraction of multilayer stack thin film structure parameters using Noise2Noise denoising for 4D-XPS Spectrum Big data

〇Satoshi Toyoda1, Masashi Yoshimura2, Sumida Hirosuke3, Mineoi Susumu3, Yoshigoe Akitaka4, Suzuki Satoru5, Kazushi Yokoyama5, Minowa Takuya6, Ogura Atsushi6,7, Machida Masatake1 (1.Scienta Omicron, 2.SPring-8 Service, 3.Mazda, 4.JAEA, 5.Univ. of Hyogo, 6.Meiji Univ., 7.MREL)
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semiconductor,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,surface analysis

We are developing a method to visualize the chemical reactions and functional properties at the interfaces of multilayer thin films with high resolution using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). This method involves automatic analysis of 4D-XPS spectral big data to generate high-resolution 4K-equivalent videos. To accelerate the analysis, we utilize GPGPU and address the instability caused by increased Poisson noise using Noise2Noise deep learning technology. This presentation focuses on the precise extraction of film thickness and elemental concentration in multilayer thin film structures.


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