Presentation Information

[16p-P07-6]Semiconductor Education Using Microfabrication by Maskless Photolithography

〇Hitoe Habuchi1, Timothe Foreau2, Go Sian Huai1, Eiji Shiraki1, Tamio Iida1 (1.NIT, Gifu Coll., 2.UIT of Blois)
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semiconductor education,maskless photolithography

Securing and educating semiconductor human resources is an important issue in Japan. To provide practical semiconductor education at NIT, Gifu College, an environment has been established where students can experiment with front-end semiconductor processes. We will present the details of microfabrication using a maskless lithography device. Using a sample with a photoresist coated on a chromium film on a soda glass substrate, a projected image of a CAD-designed pattern was exposed to the resist and developed. The resist was then removed by wet etching of the chromium film to form a pattern of chromium film.


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