Presentation Information

[17a-A22-5]Frequency collision analysis for scalable quantum computation
based on superconducting transmon qubits

〇Shinichi Inoue1, Shotaro Shirai2,3, Shu Watanabe1, Kohei Matsuura1, Rui Li2, Shuhei Tamate2, Atsushi Noguchi2,3,4, Yasunobu Nakamura1,2 (1.UTokyo(Eng), 2.RIKEN RQC, 3.UTokyo(KIS), 4.InaRIS)
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Superconducting qubit,Frequency collision,Scalability

The coupler-driven two-qubit gate approach has recently been proposed as an alternative scheme to avoid frequency collisions, a known issue with traditional Transmon two-qubit gate scheme. The proposed method requires high-intensity drive but circumvents the constraints of what is known as the straddling regime, showing high resilience to frequency collisions in small-scale systems.

In this presentation, we will attempt to quantify the conditions for frequency collisions in the proposed method through numerical and analytical approaches. We will discuss the optimization of frequency configuration and calculation of quantum chip yield.


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