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[17a-A33-2]Implementation of Photonic Extreme Learning Machine with Intermodulation Distortion Caused by Subcarrier Modulation

〇Hideaki Tanaka1, Takashi Kan1, Hidenori Takahashi1 (1.KDDI Research, Inc.)
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extreme learning machine,intermodulation distortion,subcarrier

To increase the input dimensions of optical neural networks, we proposed and demonstrated a novel method that actively utilizes intermodulation distortion during subcarrier modulation by an optical modulator. Equally-spaced subcarrier electrical signals, whose intensities were varied according to the information, were applied to an LN modulator. After O/E conversion by a PD, the intensities of the distorted subcarrier signals, generated across a broad bandwidth, were measured. These values were subsequently applied to an extreme learning machine for classification tasks. In the MNIST classification task, a high accuracy of 97.29% was achieved.


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