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[17a-A37-8]Preparation of Volume Holographic Optical Element for Multiple Line Focus Beam Diffraction

〇(M2)Yuki Tamai1, Daisuke Barada2 (1.Opt,Eng,Utsunomiya Univ., 2.CORE Utsunomiya Univ.)
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Volume Holographic Optical Element,Infrared light,Light pattern

In recent years, VR/AR technology has been attracting attention, and weight reduction is being considered for wearable devices in order to reduce the burden caused by prolonged use. When combined with 3D measurement technology, it is possible to generate spatial perception and 3D models in real time. This research aims to fabricate a lightweight AR device with 3D measurement capability by integrating an AR combiner and an optical pattern generation element for 3D scanning. The research group has proposed a cylindrical-wave volume holographic combiner to realize a AR combiner with lightweight and a wide field of view and wide eye box .This element has the effect of diffracting white light spread from multiple line beams as plane waves at different angles. Using this property, it is conceivable that multiple lines of infrared light can also be focused, which can be used as a pattern used in the structured light method. In this research, the generation of this light pattern is investigated


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