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[17a-B2-4]Feature analysis of stable atomic configuration in SiGe alloys by theoretical simulation

〇(M2)Hibiki Bekku1, Yusuke Noda3, Koji Sueoka2 (1.Grad. Sch. Compt. Sci. Syst. Eng., Okayama Pref. Univ., 2.Fac. Compt. Sci. Syst. Eng.,Okayama Pref. Univ., 3.Kyushu Inst. Technol.)
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Density functional theory,Genetic Algorithm,Combinatorial Optimization

There are less theoretical studies on Ⅳ−Ⅳ compound semiconductors although numerous studies on semiconductor materials using first-principles calculations have been reported. Furthermore, the validity of the calculation models for Si−Ge alloys is rarely discussed. In this study, we explored energetically stable atomic configurations of Si−Ge alloys using first-principles calculations and genetic algorithm. We analyzed the features of the stable atomic configurations of the Si−Ge alloys by evaluating their physical properties.


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