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[17a-B3-2]Fabrication of freestanding PbTiO3/SrTiO3 artificial superlattice films with vortex polarization

〇Kohei Takahashi1, Shinya Kondo2, Syunya Murai3, Rai Kou3, Masahito Yoshino1, Takanori Nagasaki1, Tomoaki Yamada1,4 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.Okayama Univ., 3.AIST, 4.Tokyo Tech. MDX)
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artificial superlattice

In 2016, it was reported that in PbTiO3(PTO)n/SrTiO3(STO)n artificial superlattices, a vortex polarization structure forms in the PTO layer when the number of unit cells in each layer is controlled within a specific range. This vortex polarization is caused by an exquisite balance between the elastic energy due to lattice distortion of the PTO, the electrostatic energy at the interface, and the gradient energy to rotate the polarization. We hypothesized that the vortex polarization property may change when the artificial superlattice is detached from the substrate and made into a freestanding film, altering the above energy balance.


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