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[17a-B3-3]Lattice distortion of proton conducting oxide BaSn0.6In0.4O2.8 films
and their electrostrictive property

〇(M1)Kohei Iwasaki1, Masahito Yoshino1, Takanori Nagasaki1, Tomoaki Yamada1,2 (1.Nagoya Univ., 2.Tokyo Tech. MDX)
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electrostriction,proton conducting oxide,epitaxial film

Recently, several proton-conducting oxides, including In3+-doped BaZrO3, have been found to have significant electrostrictive effects after hydration. In this study, epitaxial films of BaSn0.6In0.4O2.8 were fabricated, and the lattice distortion due to hydration and electrostriction properties were measured. The results of 2θ/ω scans of the hydrated samples while a static electric field was applied suggest that the lattice constant decreased regardless of the direction of the electric field, indicating the possibility of a negative electrostriction effect.


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