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[17a-B3-4]Simultaneous progresses of oxidation and reduction during thermal oxygen molecules exposure to hafnium adsorbed germanium (100) surface

〇(M1)Yuto Honda1, Takuhiro Kakiuchi1, Yasutaka Tuda2, Akitaka Yoshigoe2 (1.Ehime Univ., 2.JAEA)
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synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy,germanium semiconductor,Hf oxides

The oxidation processes at interface and surface of hafnium (Hf) adsorbed germanium (Ge) surface were investigated by synchrotron radiation X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Hf deposition films shows the high reactivity with the Ge substrate, and they immediately formed Hf germanide (HfGe) as surface and interfacial compounds. Following exposures of thermal oxygen molecules to sample surface, the oxidation progressed at Hf-Ge interfacial region rather than the outermost surface. In addition, Ge atoms of substrate were diffused into the HfGe layers during oxidation progression. This resulted in the reduction of Hf oxide species from higher ionic states to lower ionic states.


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