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[17a-B3-7]Fabrication of BiFe0.9Co0.1O3 nanodot array with electron-beam-lithograghed HSQ mask (2)

〇(M1)Hajime Nakayama1, Kota Yoshikawa1, Koomok Lee1, Kuniyuki Kakushima2,3, Takuya Hoshii2,3, Satoru Kaneko4, Manabu Yasui4, Masahito Kurouchi4, Kei Shigematsu1,3,4, Masaki Azuma1,3,4 (1.IIR Tokyo Tech., 2.Tokyo Tech., 3.Sumitomo Chemical Research Cluster, Tokyo Tech., 4.KISTEC)
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Room-temperature-ferroelectric ferromagnetic Co-substituted BiFeO3 is a potential candidate for low consuming non-volatile memory devices. We fabricated BFCO nanodots using HSQ hole-array-mask fabricated by electron beam lithography. Here, we report polarization reversal and change of ferroelectric and ferromagnetic domain structure in the nanodots in lateral size of 200 nm. Also, we succeeded in fabricating smaller dots into 100 nm.


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