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[17a-B4-7]Assesssment of Mechanical Stimulation Response in Plant Cells using Atomic Force

〇Yuki Yamasaki1, Kazunori Okano1, Yoichiroh Hosokawa1,2 (1.Div. Mat. Sci.,NAIST, 2.MLC, NAIST)
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Atomic Force Microscope,Plant cells,Viscoelasticity

AFM has revealed that the steady-state mechanical properties of plant cells are highly dependent on turgor pressure. However, because turgor pressure is adjusted in the time span of a few seconds, it is also necessary to clarify the transient mechanical properties. In this study, we attempted to clarify the response of plant cells to external forces by continuously applying an external force to a fixed point on the plant cell with an AFM probe and measuring the time change in the surface strain in response to the external force. The results suggested that the plant cell has properties other than viscoelasticity.


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