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[17a-C42-7]Formation and optical characteristics of GaN:Eu/GaN core-shell nanowires with high aspect ratio grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxy

〇(M2)Ryo Yoshida1, Jun Tatebayashi1,2, Raiki Hada1, Noritaka Sakabe1, Shuhei Ichikawa1,3, Yoshitaka Nakajima4, Masaaki Ashida5, Yasuhumi Fujiwara1 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng., 2.QIQB, 3.Research Center for UHVEM, 4.INSD, 5.Grad. Sch. Eng. Sci., Osaka Univ.)
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To date, we have reported on the growth of GaN:Eu/GaN nanowires (NWs) LED by OrganoMetalic Vapar Phase Epitaxy (OMVPE) towards flexible light-emitting devices.. In this report, we fabricated NWs which have core-shell structure and high aspect ratio and evaluated optical and structural properties of NWs. Furthermore, we developed a new method to observe the luminescence distribution of Eu in a single nanowire and observed the luminescence due to Eu3+ ions.


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