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[17a-C43-7]Study on the Temperature Dependence of IL Characteristics of Thin-Film Lasers

〇(M1)kiyoto taniguchi1, Itatani Taro2, Maeda Joji1, Amano Takeru2 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Science, 2.AIST)
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Laser Diode,Thin-film

Co-Packaged Optics (CPO), in which a switch ASIC and an optical transceiver are mounted on a single substrate, requires a light source, but the light source embedded in CPO is subject to high temperature operation, resulting in poor reliability and degradation of characteristics. In order to avoid operation at high temperatures, we are investigating ways to lower the temperature of the laser by reducing the thermal resistance of the semiconductor laser through thinning and by promoting heat dissipation to the PCB. In this study, we evaluated the IL characteristics of semiconductor lasers before and after thinning at different ambient temperatures.


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