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[17a-D61-10]Out-of-plane spin-orbit torque induced by magnetostriction for Co/Ni multilayers

〇Satoshi Sugimoto1, Yoichi Shiota2, Teruo Ono2, Shinya Kasai1 (1.NIMS, 2.Kyoto Univ.)
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spin-orbit torque,magnetization switching,ferromagnetic resonance

Design of spin polarization direction is an essential agenda for further developments of spin-orbit torque (SOT)-induced magnetization switching. Especially, out-of-plane (OOP) SOT enables zero-field switching of perpendicular magnetization with solving geometric constraints of in-plane SOT. Generations of such OOP SOTs have principally required additional symmetry breaking for thin-film layered structures, and device engineering and spin-injections by low-symmetry crystals have been investigated so far. In this study, we newly introduce an alternative approach for inducing huge OOP-SOT for Co/Ni multilayers, attributed to strong magnetostriction of nonequilibrium Ni films.


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