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[17p-A34-10]Investigation of nanocavities based on twist-stacked valley photonic crystals

〇Yuki Ishii1, Takahiro Ito1, Stepan Trushin1, Iwamoto Satoshi2, Yasutomo Ota1 (1.Keio Univ., 2.RCAST, Univ. Tokyo)
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moire superlattice,valley photonic crystal

Layered materials such as graphene form moiré superlattices by rotational stacking, which modulates the band structure and produces novel physical properties. It has been reported that flat-band optical localization occurs at a specific twist angle in a system using hexagonal two-dimensional photonic crystals (PhC) as an optical analog of the same system. In this study, we report numerical simulations of a moiré superlattice consisting of two twisted Valley PhCs and find that optical localization occurs at a wide range of twist angles.


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