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[17p-B1-8]Fabrication and electrical characterization of mesa-type β-FeSi2 pn homojunction devices

〇Kota Tanaka1, Soichiro Nagatomo1, Yoshikazu Terai1 (1.Kyushu Inst. of Tech.)
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semiconductor,beta-iron silicide,etching

β-FeSi2 has an indirect transition absorption edge around 0.8 eV, making it a promising material for photoelectric conversion in the near-infrared region. We have fabricated β-FeSi2 pn homojunction devices and succeeded in detecting light in the near-infrared region. However, the obtained spectral sensitivity is small, and it is necessary to study the device structure to improve the sensitivity. Since defect levels exist at the β-FeSi2 pn junction interface, dark current through these levels is generated under reverse bias. However, the current spread between electrodes cannot be suppressed in conventional planar devices, making it difficult to reduce the dark current. In this study, we report our observation of a reduction of dark current in a β-FeSi2 pn homojunction device with a mesa-type structure.


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