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[17p-B4-5]Hybridization of HOMO and HOMO-1 in One-Dimensional Monolayer of DPh-BTBT

〇(D)Yutaro Ono1, Masa Iwasawa1, Ryohei Tsuruta1, Tomohiro Nobeyama2, Masato Oda3, Hiroyuki Ishii1, Yoichi Yamada1 (1.Univ. Tsukuba, 2.Kyoto Univ., 3.Wakayama Univ.)
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Photoelectron spectroscopy,Scanning tunneling microsope,Organic semiconductor

In some high-mobility organic semiconductors, the existence of mixed-orbital charge transport (MOCT), a unique conduction mechanism in which multiple molecular orbitals are hybridized, has been theoretically suggested. In this study, we formed a monolayer of DPh-BTBT, and investigated its electronic structure both experimentally and theoretically. STM measurements of the DPh-BTBT monolayer revealed a one-dimensional structure with alternating rows of face-on and edge-on oriented molecules. The HOMO of the edge-on molecule and the HOMO-1 of the face-on molecule are close energetically, and the band calculation confirms their hybridization.


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