Presentation Information

[17p-B6-1][The 22nd Molecular Electronics and Bioelectronics Division Paper Award Speech] Moisture High-Barrier Structures for Flexible Devices Fabricated by Solution Process

〇Yoshiyuki Suzuri1 (1.INOEL, Yamagata Univ.)
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moisture barrier,solution process,flexible device

The high barrier structures required to protect flexible devices have been achieved by a solution process that enables low-cost and low-carbonization. Dense inorganic thin films were formed from coatable precursors at room temperature and under nitrogen using photo-densification with vacuum ultraviolet light, and we achieved the world's highest barrier performance. Furthermore, to coat a barrier structure without affecting device characteristics, siloxane polymers were used on the top of the device. These technologies are expected to be applied to organic electronics devices, which have significant degradation due to water vapor.


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