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[17p-C32-11]Spatiotemporal Control of Condensation of Biomolecules by Focused Laser Beam ~Surfactant Dependence~

〇(M2)Shuma Matsumoto1, Genki Fukasawa2, Takahisa Matsuzaki1, Tomoaki Matsuura3, Hiroshi Y. Yoshikawa1 (1.Grad. Sch. Eng., Osaka Univ., 2.Grad. Sch. Life Sci. Tech., Tokyo Tech., 3.ELSI, Tokyo Tech.)
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laser trapping,biomolecule

Creating in vitro models of molecular crowding environments in living cells has much attention in the understanding of structures and functions of biomolecules. So far, we have been developing a new method for the spatiotemporal control of biomolecular condensation with a focused laser beam. In this study, we investigated the optimal conditions for biomolecule condensation with a focused laser beam and found that surfactant is one of the key factors.


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