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[18a-A32-8]Fabrication and Optical Characterization of Air-bridge Diamond Photonic Crystal Cavity Using SiN as an Etching Mask

〇Sangmin Ji1, Satomi Ishida2, Hidetsugu Matsukiyo1, Masao Nishioka1, Koudai Iijima2, Satoshi Iwamoto1,2 (1.IIS Univ. Tokyo, 2.RCAST Univ. Tokyo)
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optical quantum interface

The optical nanocavities fabricated in diamond enhance the interaction between spins and photons in quantum systems (such as NV centers), enabling highly efficient optical quantum interfaces. However, the fabrication technology is highly challenging, and most reports so far have been from a limited number of overseas groups. We have successfully fabricated an air-bridge-type photonic crystal resonator (PhC) for the first time in Japan, using isotropic etching to create an air-bridge structure with a flat backside on single-crystal bulk diamond, which possesses superior quantum system characteristics. We report the further improvement of the fabrication technology and the successful observation of the cavity mode.


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