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[18a-C31-2]Introduction of a nanomaterial dispersion for functionalization of self-folding thin film

〇Touichiro Goto1,2, Yuya Sato1, Koji Sakai1,2, Yosuke Mizuno1,2, Masumi Yamaguchi1,2 (1.NTT BRL, 2.NTT BMC)
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self folding,graphene ink,neuron

In previous report, we have shown cylindrical electrodes through the self-folding of thin films composed of graphene and parylene, and in culturing neurons and measuring signals within them. However, for application in bio-devices, it is desirable to have flexible design freedom and physicochemical properties that correspond to the employed cells. The mechanical properties of graphene and parylene are crucial for self-folding, and replacing these materials take quite a risk. In this study, we propose a method of spin-coating nanomaterial dispersions as an approach to introduce other two-dimensional materials without affecting the self-folding.


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