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[18a-C43-4]Micro-Bioassay based on biospeckle generated by plankton-Toxicity assessment for heavy metals (copper)-

〇(M2)Yuki Kobayashi1, Devi Arti1, Hirofumi Kadono1 (1.Saitama Univ.)
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Since more than 200 million chemical substances are currently registered, it is technically and cost prohibitive to evaluate the toxicity of individual chemical substances by conventional chemical analysis. Therefore, micro-bioassays, which evaluate the toxicity of water pollution based on the reaction of microorganisms such as plankton without specifying chemical substances, are attracting attention. This technique requires microscopic observations to understand important characteristics of microorganisms, such as their life, death, and swimming ability. However, the smaller the size of the microorganism, the narrower the depth of focus of the imaging system, making observation difficult. To overcome such difficulties, we have focused on the swimming activity of plankton in response to environmental toxicity and proposed the biospeckle microbioassay as a new method that does not use a biospeckle-based imaging system, and have verified its effectiveness. In this study, we focused on copper as a contaminant and investigated the effectiveness of the proposed method using zooplankton and phytoplankton.


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