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[18a-P01-3]WGM spectral mapping of a dielectric sphere under laser irradiation in an electron microscope

〇Yoshikazu Adachi1, Izzah Machfuudzoh1, Hiroshi Sugimoto2, Minoru Fujii2, Takumi Sannomiya1 (1.Tokyo Tech., 2.Kobe Univ.)
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WGM,Cathodoluminescence,spectral mapping

Light confined in spherical or circular resonators is called Whispering Gallery Mode (WGM), where resonance occurs when the circumference is an integer multiple of the wavelength. The resonance peak wavelength shifts with temperature, enabling optical temperature measurement. Previously, we measured the temperature of Si spheres using WGM in an electron microscope, but the internal temperature distribution was unknown. By simultaneously irradiating the Si sphere with a laser and electron beam in a STEM, we mapped the WGM spectrum. When the laser intensity was increased from 0 μW to 40 μW, a redshift was observed in a part of the Si particle.


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