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[18p-B1-10]Dual-Wavelength Laser Power Converters Compatible with Solar Cells Using Triplet-Triplet Annihilation and Singlet Fission of Molecular Systems

〇Yasuhiko Takeda1 (1.Toyota Central R&D Labs.)
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Optical wireless power transmission,Intermediate-band solar cells,Multiple exciton generation

The concepts of highly efficient solar cells (except for multijunctions) were applied to double-wavelength (808 nm and 1470 nm) laser power converters. The use of triplet-triplet annihilation (TTA) of molecular systems that produces a single carrier from two low-energy photons yields high conversion efficiencies for both two wavelengths close to those of conventional single-junction devices designed for single specific wavelengths, respectively. Further, the TTA device operates as a highly efficient solar cell competitive against double-junction solar cells. These functions are achieved also by using singlet fission that produces two carriers from a single high-energy photon.


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