Presentation Information

[18p-B1-19]Dependence of diode’s ideality factor on incident light intensity in solar cells

〇Meita Asami1, Kentaroh Watanabe1, Yoshiaki Nakano2, Masakazu Sugiyama1,2 (1.RCAST, 2.The Univ. of Tokyo)
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solar cell,ideality factor,quantum well

This study aims to clarify changes in the actual diode characteristics of solar cells under light irradiation, in context of the Optoelectronic Reciprocity theory and the superposition rule. J-V characteristics of a quantum structure solar cell were obtained while changing the excitation laser light intensity, revealing the diode ideality factor increased as light intensity increased. Additionally, differences in Electroluminescence (EL) and Photoluminescence (PL) emissions were examined, given the distinct carrier injections (current or light excitatioin injection) and probable differences in carrier distribution. PL emission was found stronger than EL, but fairness of comparison is yet to be determined. There's need to quantify photo-injected carriers for a fair comparison, and we will further discuss effects of carrier distribution and comparison methodologies in the conference.


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