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[18p-C32-6]In Situ Surface-Enhanced Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy with Gold Nanostructures for Predicting Protein Secondary Structures

〇Hiroyuki Yamada1, Tadaaki Nagao1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Hokkaido Univ.)
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surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy,lysozyme,in situ observation

In this study, the secondary structure of lysozyme adsorbed on the gold random nanostructure surface in PBS solution was analyzed using in situ SEIRA. The gold nanostructure was fabricated by electroless plating on a Si ATR crystal by flowing a reaction solution, which was then replaced with a 100 μM lysozyme PBS solution to adsorb lysozyme onto the gold surface. As a result, differences in the IR absorption spectrum shape in the Amide I region compared to the bulk were observed, suggesting changes in the secondary structure.


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