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[18p-C32-7]MM-MD/FMO interaction analysis of neuraminidase inhibitors

〇Hideo Doi1, Riku Tetsukawa1, Toshiya Hama1, Sota Matsuoka1, Kazuaki Akisawa1, Koji Okuwaki1,2, Yoshinori Hirano3, Eiji Yamamoto3, Kenji Yasuoka3, Yuji Mochizuki1,4 (1.Rikkyo Univ., 2.JSOL Corp., 3.Keio Univ., 4.Univ. Tokyo)
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FMO,interaction analysis,Machine learning

Influenza viruses have hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) spike proteins on their surface. Neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir, zanamivir, and laninamivir) are used for treatment. In this study, we used persistent homology (PH) to analyze the interaction energies and structures of the complexes of proteins and these inhibitors.


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