Presentation Information

[18p-D62-10]Development of a small-scale sample pretreatment system for AMS radiocarbon dating

〇(P)Fumina Minamitani1, Natsuko Fujita1, Satoshi Jinno1, Tomohiro Nishio2, Takahiro Watanabe1 (1.JAEA, 2.PESCO Co.)
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radiocabon,small-scale measurement,laser ablation

The Tono Geoscience Center Toki Geochronology Laboratory of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has begun development of an in-cell complete pretreatment technique using laser ablation and small-scale samples preparation method using cementite in order to efficiently and stably perform pretreatment for radiocarbon measurements. In the laser ablation pretreatment, the sample is burned in the sample cell, which not only reduces the effect of carbon contamination, but also shortens the analysis time. For the small-scale sample preparation method, a new reaction vessel and reactor and reduced iron (type and amount of iron powder and reduction conditions) optimal for cementite were investigated. We plan to measure the carbon content at less than 100 micrograms. In this presentation, the outline and results of these sample preparation systems will be reported.


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