Presentation Information

[18p-D62-12]Current status of MALT, The University of Tokyo in the Fall 2024

〇Takeyasu Yamagata1, Hironori Tokuyama1, Tsuchiya Yoko1, Miwako Toya1, Yuanzhi Qi1, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki1 (1.MALT, The Univ. of Tokyo)
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Accelerator Mass Spectrometry,Status report

MALT (Micro Analysis Laboratory, Tandem accelerator, The University of Tokyo) is a micro analysis laboratory using the ion beams generated by a tandem electrostatic accelerator. The maximum terminal voltage of the accelerator is 5.0 MV which enables multi nuclides AMS system, i.e., Be-10, C-14, Al-26, Cl-36 and I-129. Recently Ca-41 and U-236 AMS system was also developed. In this presentation, I would like to give a talk about our current status and activities.


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