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[18p-P01-13]Development of a microscopic optics designed for ion beam induced luminescence (IBIL) spectroscopic imaging for simultaneous biofunctional and elemental composition

〇(M1)Ayumi Nakatsuma1, Yuki Ohtsuka1, Makoto Nishizawa1, Misako Miwa1, Sho Toyama1, Wataru Kada1, Shigeo Matsuyama1 (1.Tohoku Univ.)
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PIXE,IBIL,microscopic optics

Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) is one of the most commonly used ion beam analysis technique which is sensitive to trace elements. PIXE is utilized for the material characterization for the target from wide variety of research filed including environmental, agricultural and medical applications. There are Ion Beam Induced Luminescence (IBIL) / Ion Beam Induced Fluorescence (IBIF) analysis that can be used in conjunction with PIXE. The information obtained from IBIL is diverse and correlates with the chemical morphology and biochemistry of the sample of interest. However, the development of IBIL detectors for use in analytical methods is still in its infancy, and detectors and spectral systems for the weak emission spectrum of IBIL and for IBIL imaging techniques used in conjunction with focused ion beams are not yet available. In this study, dedicated optics were improved and a high-sensitivity spectrometer was developed. This spectrometer enables high-sensitivity IBIL/IBIF. In order to establish an optimized IBIL/IBIF analysis system for ionic microprobes, an optical system using bundled fiber and a new optical system with a common beam convergence point and optical focus were designed in contrast to the single fiber optical systems.


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