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[18p-P03-4]Two-probe STM measurements of Si nano-regions on the H-Si(100) surface

〇Jo Onoda1, Lucian Livadaru2, Robert Wolkow2,3, Jason Pitters4 (1.UTEF, 2.Univ. Alberta, 3.Quantum Silicon Inc., 4.NRCC)
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scanning tunneling microscopy,minority carrier injection,silicon

In this study, we utilized two-probe Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) to see the effect of minority carrier injection (holes in this experiment) to nanostructures fabricated on a hydrogen-terminated Si(100) surface. By injecting minority carriers from one probe and conducting STM measurements with the other, we observed significant changes in the STM constant-height images based on the presence of hole injection. The images without hole injection showed indistinct features at a sample voltage of 0.95 V, whereas clearer mixed phases of p(2x2) and c(4x2) were visible at 1.70 V. With hole injection, even at 0.95 V, similar mixed phases were observed. At 1.70 V, symmetrical dimer rows were evident, identified as Si backbond rows from previous studies. The alteration in STM images with hole injection suggests that the injected carriers may drift or diffuse to the other probe, mitigating band bending effects. This finding sheds light on the mechanism by which electrical properties can be controlled and manipulated at the nanoscale through carrier dynamics.


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