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[18p-P03-5]Carrier distribution measurements of semiconductors by SNDM potentiometry with output-polarity control

〇Yuji Miyato1, Hiroki Nozaki2, Norihito Mayama2 (1.Ryukoku Univ., 2.Toshiba Nanoanalysis)
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For the reliable and quantitative analysis of semiconductor carrier distribution by scanning nonlinear dielectric microscopy (SNDM), we have focused on SNDM potentiometry and attempted to carry out bias-voltage feedback control using d2C/dV2 signals. In this report, we paid attention to the fact that the polarity switches in both the dC/dV and d2C/dV2 signals of SNDM, depending on the semiconductor type (p-type or n-type), and we achieved the measurements of both p-type and n-type semiconductors by devising a control method.


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