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[18p-P09-14]Inserting the interfacial layer for improving the Voc of Sn perovskite solar cells

〇Liu Jiaqi1, Huan Bi1, Liang Wang1, Qing Shen1, Shuzi Hayase1 (1.UEC)
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Tin-based perovskite is currently under active research due to its non-toxic properties compared to lead-based perovskite. However, it exhibits a larger open-circuit voltage (Voc) loss when using fullerene (C60) as an electron transport layer (ETL), attributed to the different energy levels of the conduction and valence bands compared to lead-based perovskite. To mitigate this voltage loss, indene-C60 bisadduct (ICBA) has been employed as an ETL due to its relatively shallow conduction band level, though this approach sacrifices current density.
In our study, the photoluminescence quantum yield of perovskite films on glass substrates was measured at 8%. From this, the quasi-Fermi level split was estimated at 1.05 eV (bandgap = 1.4 eV), indicating minimal theoretical Voc losses due to the bulk material. Therefore, the interfacial loss is severe when using C60 as the ETL. To address this, Bis-PCBM, a material with a shallow conduction band level, was inserted between the perovskite and ETL to reduce the interfacial photovoltage loss. A significant increase in Voc was observed by inserting the Bis-PCBM layer. However, the reduced current density remains an issue due to the shallower conduction band level of Bis-PCBM. In conclusion, the arrangement of energy levels between the perovskite and ETL is crucial for determining the Voc of solar cells.


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