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[19a-A32-6][The 56th Young Scientist Presentation Award Speech] Acceleration of decision-making using leader-laggard relationship by optical frequency difference detection

〇Hidetoshi Taira1, Takatomo Mihana1, Andre Rohm1, Kazutaka Kanno2, Atsushi Uchida2, Ryoichi Horisaki1, Makoto Naruse1 (1.Univ. Tokyo, 2.Saitama Univ.)
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semiconductor laser,laser chaos,decision-making

In photonic decision-making, the cross-correlation value is conventionally used to determine the leader-laggard relationship observed in mutually coupled semiconductor lasers. However, it has a problem of higher computational cost than the method of other photonic decision-making. In this study, we introduce a new method to determine the leader-laggard relationship using detuning between optical frequency and experiment with this method by 90° optical hybrid. Using this method, we analyze the multi-arm bandit problem and demonstrate that it is capable of faster decision-making than the conventional method.


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