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[19a-A33-1]Enhancing thermal radiation by thermal extraction of silicon micropyramids

〇(M2)Ryugo Hosokawa1,2, Etsuko Shimada1, Satoshi Ishii1,2 (1.NIMS, 2.Univ. of Tsukuba)
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thermal radiation,radiative cooling,nanophotonics

Thermal radiation enhancement by thermal radiation extraction can be achieved by covering a thermal radiation surface with a hemisphere made of a material with a high refractive index, however, this method requires a hemisphere that is much higher than the thermal radiation surface. In this study, we investigate numerically and experimentally whether micropyramids fabricated on a silicon surface having a high refractive index in the mid-infrared can be used as thin out-coupling structures. The results infer that thermal radiation enhancement by thermal radiation extraction is possible even though the height of the silicon pyramid is only a few microns.


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