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[19a-A34-7]Surface modification of polydopamine on PEDOT:PSS thin films

〇Sakyo Abe1, Shunsuke Yamamoto2,1, Masaya Mitsuishi1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)
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thin film,adhesive

Since catecholates exhibit reversible adsorption and adhesion to various surfaces even in water, functional materials containing catechol groups have been attracting attention. One such material is polydopamine (PDA), an adhesive polymer obtained by polymerization of Dopamine by oxidation, but its exact structure and polymerization mechanism have not been clarified. In this study, we investigated the polymerization method of PDA and surface modification of PDA to conductive polymer PEDOT:PSS thin films to add functionality.


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