Session Details

[19a-A34-1~8]12.1 Fabrications and Structure Controls

Thu. Sep 19, 2024 9:15 AM - 11:30 AM JST
Thu. Sep 19, 2024 12:15 AM - 2:30 AM UTC
Shingo Maruyama(Tohoku Univ.)

[19a-A34-1]Resistance switching in [6,6]-Phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester thin film
of vertical structural element

〇(M1)Kazuki Aihara1, Takuma Hirama1, Masato Takei1, Hiroshi Suga1, Kazuhito Tsukagoshi2 (1.Chiba Tech., 2.NIMS)

[19a-A34-2]Preparation of helical structures composed of disk-shaped TTF derivatives with a threefold symmetrical axis and chiral moieties at the molecular end

〇Fumiya Hirose1, Sadafumi Nishihara2,3, Tsuyoshi Minami4, Tomoyuki Akutagawa5, Takayoshi Nakamura2,6, Yoko Tatewaki1 (1.TUAT, 2.Hiroshima Univ, 3.JST PRESTO, 4.Univ. of Tokyo, 5.Tohoku Univ., 6.Hokkaido Univ.)

[19a-A34-3]Structural changes of metal-organic frameworks caused by ionic liquid filling~anion dependence~

〇(M2)Kaito Koseki1, Yumeng Zheng1, Tomohiko Saitoh1, Kentaro Kinoshita1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

[19a-A34-4]Investigation of the Electronic State and Bonding State around Copper in Cu3(BTC)2 through IL Filling

〇Kentaro Amano1, Kaito Koseki1, Yumeng Zheng1, Tmohiko Saitoh1, Kentaro Kinoshita1 (1.Tokyo Univ. of Sci.)

[19a-A34-5]Hydrothermal synthesis of MOF with original ligand, H4TBACPA and various metal ions

〇(M1C)Miho Kamata1, Seiya Yokokura1,2, Hiroki Waizumi1,2, Toshihiro Shimada1,2 (1.Hokkaido Univ.CSE., 2.Hokkaido Univ. Eng.)

[19a-A34-6]Evaluation of the effect of material surface on DMF solvation by 3D-AFM in organic solvents

〇Minamo Masaki1, Masayuki Morimoto1, Hitoshi Asakawa1 (1.Kanazawa Univ.)

[19a-A34-7]Surface modification of polydopamine on PEDOT:PSS thin films

〇Sakyo Abe1, Shunsuke Yamamoto2,1, Masaya Mitsuishi1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)

[19a-A34-8]MOF Film Growth on PEDOT:PSS Films by LbL Method

〇Sonosuke Watanabe1, Shunsuke Yamamoto1,2, Masaya Mitsuishi1 (1.Tohoku Univ., 2.Kyoto Univ.)