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[19a-A37-9]Investigation of suppressed residual fluctuation in sensor signal of dual-comb refractive index sensing

〇Masayuki Higaki1, Shogo Miyamura1, Shuji Taue2, Yu Tokizane3, Eiji Hase3, Takeo Minamikawa4,3, Takeshi Yasui3 (1.Grad. Sch. Sci. Tech. Innov. Sci., Tokushima Univ., 2.Koch Univ. Tech., 3.pLED, Tokushima Univ., 4.Grad. Sch. Engg., Osaka Univ.)
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Optical Frequency Comb,Sensing Optical Frequency Comb,Refractive Index Sensing

We report a study on suppression of residual fluctuation of Δfrep in dual refractive index sensing optical frequency comb.


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